Our MISSION - Repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives!
Imagine living in a home in the middle of winter with a broken furnace and leaky windows, or with no hot water, plumbing that won't work or a roof that leaks. Or imagine living through a sweltering summer with no air conditioning. Now imagine being 78 years old, and having to choose between fixing these problems and buying food, medicine or paying utilities.
Many of our homeowners within our community lack the resources to maintain their homes. When a homeowner lacks the financial resources to maintain their home, unhealthy and dangerous situations increase. No one should have to call an unsafe place home.
What to know:
· This is will be our 25th year of rehabbing houses and non-profit centers in the Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry and upper York counties.
· Through contributions and donations, skilled and unskilled volunteers can provide the needed repair work and modifications at no cost to these low-income homeowners.
· It is estimated that for every dollar contributed, we can achieve four dollars of value to home repairs.
· A Home Safety Guide is sent to each homeowner who applies to our program which can help reduce falls and improve living conditions within their home.
· Our home repair and modification program is provided on a year-round basis.
· Occupational therapy evaluations are conducted by Elizabethtown College and Messiah College OT students to help improve accessibility in the home.
- Our repairs may involve one volunteer replacing a nonworking bathroom sink/faucet for an 89 year old widow to eight and nine volunteers making multiple repairs in 12-14 houses during our Annual Event Day; two to three houses during the Day of Caring and houses through Corporate projects wherein companies gather their employees to work on a house(s) on a designated day anytime during the year.
- Sometimes contractors are hired to replace a roof or handle a more technical or pressing electrical or plumbing issues.
By helping people remain in their homes, Rebuilding Together is keeping families together and communities together. Together we transform.

RTGH is an all volunteer non-profit 501c3 organization that for 25 years has provided critical home repairs to low income, disabled and elderly homeowners, families with children and veterans of war. Formerly named Christmas in April, our goal is to help make homes, safe, warm and dry so our homeowners can remain independent and "age in place."
To Save Green
These tips can save money and cut energy use:
- Set thermostats comfortably low in winter and comfortably high in the summer.
- Clean filters on forced air furnaces
- Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.
- Air dry dishes, instead of using your dishwasher's drying cycle.
- Lower the thermostat on your hot water heater to 120 degrees.
- Wrap hot water heaters in an insulating jacket.
- Install low-flow shower heads.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy