Thank you to all the volunteers and financial/
in-kind contributors for continually making our program a
success--26 years serving the community!
2020 Activites
To protect our volunteers and homeowners and reduce the risk of community-spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg has decided to postpone our Annual Event Day on April 25 and other year round projects and activities until further notice. All home visits, home assessments and workdays will be postponed until at least May 1st. In late April we will review the situation, evaluate the risk and reevaluate the schedule with our partners and volunteers.
We are accepting applications for free home repairs and we are taking phone calls so please reach out to us if you have questions or need assistance.
We appreciate your support and understanding as we try to do our part to “flatten the curve” of virus spread. We look forward to getting back to our hands-on work when it is possible.
2019 Activities
Annual Event Day - Saturday, April 27, 2019
What a great day we had on Saturday, April 27, 2019! Thank you to all our amazing volunteers for donating their time and talent to help improve the lives of our elderly, our disabled, our families with children and our veterans of war.
Over 180 volunteers participated either repairing homes in Cumberland and Dauphin counties; preparing and delivering lunches; picking up trash from each house; working in the 5 Senses Garden and setting up the “thank you” picnic held at Fort Hunter Park.
Thanks to our in-kind and financial supporters - dumpsters provided by Waste Management; water and beverages donated by Pepsi Bottling Company and Kennedy Catalano Financial; food donations by Giant and Wegmans; -shirt sponsorship by PHFA; Hershey Company donated candy and Martin’s donated snacks. Thanks also to the Home Depot on Derry Street and Home Depot in Carlisle for housing the dumpster for the day.
To help fund our projects is the Harrisburg Builders Association, Stabler Foundation, M&T Charitable Foundation, UPS, Hershey Company, Kline Foundation, Dermody Foundation, Hillwood Properties and many churches and individuals.
Making a Difference for 25 Years!
2018 Activities

Lowe's Home Improvement has partnered with Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg to renovate a home for a family living in the City of Harrisburg. Volunteers and contractors will be providing repairs to their home, focusing on health and safety improvements.
Rebuilding Together affiliates nationwide bring together thousands of community volunteers each year, to provide free home repairs and modifications to people in need, nationwide – seniors, people with disabilities, victims of disaster, military veterans and their families.
Since 2007, Lowe's has contributed over $16 million to Rebuilding Together to revitalize communities throughout the country. Over 4,100 Lowe’s Heroes employee volunteers have contributed nearly 37,000 volunteer hours to help over 15,800 people live in safer and healthier homes.
Sears at Home Program
Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg will be providing critical repairs for a veteran and her family living in Mechanicsburg. Volunteers from Rebuilding Together and Sears will be replacing windows; installing doors and smoke/CO detectors and resolving some electrical issues as part of the Sears Heroes at Home program.
Heroes at Home, created through a partnership between Sears and Rebuilding Together, is a national program designed to assist low-income members of the military, their families and veterans with the home repairs and modifications they need. Since the inception of the program in 2007, more than $23 million has already been raised for Heroes at Home, and veteran’s services; and through over 1,700 projects, nearly 42,000 volunteers have donated 333,000 hours to support veterans and their families through critical repairs to veteran’s homes and nonprofit facilities that serve them.
Rebuilding Together, a longtime, charitable partner of Sears, is a leading national nonprofit in safe and healthy housing that provides low-income homeowners with critical home repairs and revitalizes the communities in which they live.
Rebuilding Together’s local affiliates and nearly 100,000 volunteers complete about 10,000 rebuild projects each year; including 1,228 veteran households in 2017.
United Way Day of Caring
Thanks to PP&L employees for volunteering their time on the United Way Day of Caring. The employees worked in the 5 Senses Garden in Harrisburg. Employees mulched and cleaned up the garden while others cut down trees. Thanks to Shirley and Al for leading the group of volunteers.
Thanks G R Sponaugle employees for volunteering their time on the United Way Day of Caring. The employees helped build a ramp for a disabled wheel-chair bound woman living in Mechanicsburg. Thanks to house captain Bill Toner and co-captain Steve for leading the volunteers in a successful project.
Highmark for a Healthy Community - It was a rainy day again; however, our walkers came out to support our program. Thanks to them and to those who financially contributed.
NARI of Central PA Classic Golf Tournament!
Thanks to NARI and the golfers for supporting our program. We received a generous donation for the organization.
Pennsylvania Home Show
Thanks to the Home Builders Association Metropolitan Harrisburg for hosting a fundraiser for Rebuilding Together at the Home Show.
A special “thank you” to the restaurants who participated--Cove Mountain Bar & Grill, 1500 Café American Bistro, Devon Seafood & Steak and Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar. Thanks for sharing your delicious food with the all attendees at the show and donating gift cards for our raffle.
Thanks to everyone who donated money!
Annual Event Day
What a successful Annual Event Day on Saturday, April 28, 2018. A huge “THANK YOU” to all our wonderful volunteers who made it all possible. Volunteers worked in the 5 Senses Garden; repaired and modified fifteen houses in Dauphin and Cumberland Counties; prepared and delivered lunches; helped set up the picnic at Fort Hunter Park and picked up trash and debris from each house and dumped it into donated Waste Management dumpsters. Special thanks to the Home Depot in Carlisle and on Derry Street for allowing us to use their parking lot.
Through all these efforts, our low-income homeowners have an improved living environment—a safe and healthy home!
5th NARI of Central PA Classic Golf Tournament!
Thanks to the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) of Central PA for the generous donation from their 2018 Golf Classic fundraiser held at Rich Valley Road Golf Course. Thanks to the NARI Board and Linda Myers Drei for all their hard work!
Pennsylvania Home Builders Show -
Thanks to the Home Builders Association Metropolitan Harrisburg for hosting a fundraiser for Rebuilding Together at the Home Show.
A special “thank you” to the restaurants who participated--Cove Mountain Bar & Grill, 1500 Café American Bistro, Devon Seafood & Steak and Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar. Thanks for sharing your delicious food with the all attendees at the show and donating gift cards for our raffle.
Thanks to everyone who donated money!
Safe the Date: April 27, 2018 12:00 pm at Rich Valley Golf Join us for our 5th NARI of Central PA Classic Golf Tournament!
A portion of the proceeds from this year's golf tournament will be donated to Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg to assist our veterans with repairs and modifications of their homes at no cost to the veterans. Rebuilding Together provides services to veterans in Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry and Northern York counties.
2017 Activities:
Dauphin County Technical School - Students from the school built a ramp for a disabled couple living in Steelton. The ramp constructed at the school and transported it by truck to the home where the students assembled the ramp with the guidance of their instructor, Bob Brightbill.
United Parcel Service - UPS employees volunteered their time on Friday, September 22 to work on Leilanda Rowland’s house on Pennwood Road in Harrisburg. Leilanda is a new single mother who was recently laid off from her job. Thanks to House Captains Curtis Love and Sheena Ridolfi and everyone who volunteered to help make her home a safer and healthier environment.
United Way of Caring - On Friday, September 8, 2017,TE Connectivity employees worked in the 5 Senses Garden and repaired a house for a disabled homeowner living in Harrisburg.
Altrusa International of South Central PA - Their Club Service Project involved the members presenting potted flowers and vegetables to each of our homeowners. Many of our homeowners cannot afford to beautify their home with a flower or grow their own vegetables. .
Annual Event Day - Saturday, April 29, 2017 - Over 160 volunteers will help repair 12-14 houses in one day. Volunteers will also being making and delivering lunches; taking photographs, collecting trash and debris from each house preparing the "thank you" picnic held at Fort Hunter Park.
If you or your organization is interested in participating, please contact our Executive Director at 717-574-2639. Each volunteer will receive a t-shirt, lunch, end of work picnic and participate in making a difference in an elderly, disabled, family with or veteran of war. You also may learn a new skill or make a new friend.
Highmark for a Healthy Community - Saturday, May 20, 2017 - This is RTGH's fundraiser for the year. Over 48 area non-proft agencies will be participating. There is a mile walk and 5K held at the Harrisburg Area Community College in Harrisburg. To pledge money, register as a walker or form a team click
2016 Activities:
UPS Project - Friday, September 30, 2016. Thanks to the eleven UPS volunteers who worked on two houses in Harrisburg. The single elderly and disabled women greatly appreciated the new hot water heater, new kitchen cabinets and vanity and a repaired ramp along with other repairs.
United Way Day of Caring - Friday, September 9, 2016. Thanks to the eleven volunteers from Children and Youth who worked on the 5 Senses Garden – House Captain: Sheena Ridolfi and the eight volunteers from Alexander Construction who worked on Margaret Chianelli's house in Harrisburg – House Captain: Bill Toner
Highmark Walk - held on Saturday, May 21 at HACC. Though a rainy day, it didn't stop some of our walkers. Thanks to everyone who walked and pledged money.
Annual Event Day - held on the last Saturday in April was a huge success thanks to the efforts of over 190 volunteers. Fifteen houses were repaired and modified for our low-income elderly, disabled, families with children and veterans of war who were located in Newville, Carlisle, Mechanicsburg, Middletown, City of Harrisburg, Swatara and Susquehanna. Work was also done in the 5 Senses Garden.
Volunteers from the Second City Church made lunches and RTGH Board Members, Elizabethtown College OT students and friends delivered over 190 lunches to the volunteers and homeowners. Volunteer groups: Elizabethtown College OT, Lend-a-Hand, Triple Crown, Paxton Church, McNaughton Homes, Hummelstown Church of Christ, Bethany United Methodist Church and Silver Springs Presbyterian Church. RTGH Board Members and Bethel UM Church members picked up and dumped trash from each house. Dumpsters were provided by Waste Management; water and beverages donated by Pepsi Bottling Company and Kennedy Catalano Financial; food donations by Giant; t-shirt sponsorship by PHFA; Hershey Company donated candy and Martin’s donated snacks. To help fund our year round projects is the Stabler Foundation, M&T Charitable Foundation, UPS, Hershey Company, Mechanicsburg and Perry County Foundations, Dermody Foundation, Greater Harrisburg Association of Realtors, NY Mellon; churches and individuals.
Thanks to everyone who participated!
Check out our coverage on ABC 27 News
Panera Bread Fundraiser - Thanks to Elizabethtown College OT students for coordinating this fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who purchased food and beverages during that fundraiser.
2015 Activities:
Lend-a-Hand - In November and December, volunteers from this organization repaired a home in Middletown and a mobile home in Carlisle. Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time and House Captain, Bill Toner for coordinating these two projects.
Pennsylvania Apartment Association- Central - Friday, September 25, 2015
Over five employees volunteered their time to repair a home in the City of Harrisburg. Thank you to everyone involved and especially House Captain Michelle Cooper of PMI.
United Way Day of Caring - Friday, September 11, 2015
Over 15 UPS employees volunteered their time to repair two mobile homes in Middletown.
Also, over 15 Tyco employees volunteered their time to work in the 5 Senses Gardens.
Thank you to everyone involved especially House Captains Barbara Whitehead and Roger Olson.
The Walk was held on Saturday, May 16 at HACC and sponsored by Highmark Blue Shield
Thank you to everyone who participated in this event--our virtual walkers and donors and our actual walkers who enjoyed a fun filled morning walking either a mile or a 5K.
Annual Event Day - Saturday, April 25, 2015
What a great day! Over 180 volunteers participated in this event either repairing 14 houses throughout our community --Middletown, City of Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg and Carlisle or making lunches, delivering lunches, driving around to each house and picking up the trash; taking photos or preparing the picnic. Also volunteers worked in the 5 Senses Garden continually making it a beautiful place to visit.
Special thanks to Waste Management for donating two dumpsters; PHFA for sponsoring the t-shirts; Lowes and Home Depots, Giant, Pepsi Bottling Company and the Hershey Company.
Thank you to everyone who participated and your gracious gift of time, talent and treasure!
2014 Activities:
United Way Day of Caring - Friday, September 5, 2014
Thanks to the UPS employees and RTGH volunteers for volunteering their time repairing and painting Mr. Sheaffer's house in Middletown. He now has met his requirement with his insurance and mortgage company and can remain in his home.
Thanks to the Harristown Enterprise employees for volunteering their time to help mulch and maintain the 5 Senses Garden in Harrisburg.
Annual Event Day - Saturday, April 26, 2014
Over 170 volunteers, on a beautiful sunny day, spent eight plus hours helping to repair eleven homes for our low-income elderly, disabled and families with children living in Hummelstown, Steelton, Harrisburg, Carlisle, Mt. Holly Springs and Newville.
In addition, some of those volunteers prepared lunches and delivered them to each house; while some traveled to each house and picked up the trash and debris and transported it to donated Waste Management dumpsters located at the Home Depot in Carlisle and on Derry Street in Harrisburg.
Many of the supplies and materials to make the needed repairs were purchased at the Home Depots and Lowes within our communities. Thank you to the very helpful staff in all locations!
Of course, we couldn't have done it without our House Captains:
Deb Olson, Curtis Love, Ned Williard, Chris Thropp, Tony Ruelius, Dave Powell, Rich Hebel, Jim Enterline, Dan Henderson, Terry Watts, Riitta Lukkari, Terry Reed and Bill Toner.
A special thanks to George Dilks for traveling around to the various houses resolving plumbing issues.
Thank you to all the individual volunteers and groups involved, e.g., Second City Church, Silver Springs Presbyterian Church, Mt. Zion UMC, Bethany UMC, Pine Street Presbyterian Chuch, Trinity Evangelical Congregational Church, Unitarian Church, Hummelstown Church of Christ, Hummelstown Fire Department, Paxton UMC and RTGH friends and Board of Directors.
A special thanks to all our generous financial and in-kind contributors including our individual donors, corporations and foundations e.g., UPS, M&T, City of Harrisburg, Hershey Company, Stabler Foundation, Mechanicsburg Foundation, Cremonesi, BNY Mellon, Dermody, Highmark, Giant and PHFA for sponsoring our t-shirts.
Working as a team is what makes any event a success--thank you for your commitment to our organization and to the community--together we can make a difference!
Apartment Association of Central Pennsylvania Project -Wednesday, February 19, 2014. Thanks to Michelle Cooper of PMI for coordinating this project. Employees from Triple Crown, Home Depot and Behr Paint Corporation donated products and their skills to help Deb and her family achieve their dream of owning a home in Harrisburg.
Program Year 2013 Activities:
Thanks to a $10,000 grant from Lowes Foundation, RTGH was able to replace three roofs for homeowners in Harrisburg and Hummelstown, replace rotted floor boards in a mobile home in Harrisburg, install a new bathtub in Newport and replace a rotted kitchen cabinet in Harrisburg.
United Way Day of Caring - Friday, September 6, 2013
Employees from the Chamber of Labor and Industry volunteered their time to mulch, weed and trim plants and bushes in the 5 Senses Garden.
RTGH volunteers, Roger Olson and Ron Flory also volunteered their time to replace rotted floor boards in the bedroom and living room for an elderly and disabled man living in a mobile home in Harrisburg.
Thanks to all who participated on this day!
Annual Event Day - Saturday, April 27, 2013
What a great day! The weather couldn't have been any better and the volunteers were the Best!
Throughout Dauphin, Cumberland and Perry counties, twelve houses and a community garden were worked on utilizing the skills of over 170 volunteers. Thanks to all who volunteered their time and contributed either by way of in-kind or financial contributions.
Because of the repairs and modifications our volunteers made, our low-income elderly, disabled and families with children have a safer and healthier home in which to live in and are able to remain independent--age in place.
Thank you!
Program Year 2012 Activities:
During our 2011-2012 program year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012), RTGH repaired and modified 36 houses utilizing the skills of over 200 volunteers.
Apartment Association of Central PA - Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Maintenance and property management individuals will be volunteering their time to work on four houses in Harrisburg. The groups represented: The Brook @ Colonial Park, Apartment Guide, La Collina and Madison @ Hershey Heights, Westridge, Society Hill, Exeter and Reed Farm. Also, Whisperwoods, PMI, Windsor Commons, Village of Old Hickory, Rosedale Apartments, Keystone Arms and Triple Crown.
United Way Day of Caring - Friday, September 7, 2012
Conrad Siegel Actuaries had eleven employees work on a house in Harrisburg. Lots of painting, yard work and miscellaneous carpentry was performed.
Pyramid Construction had six employees work on a house in Hummelstown. Extensive carpentry work was performed on the kitchen floor and porch along with a window replacement; drywalling and painting.
Naval Support Activity sent 10 employees to work on the 5 Senses Garden located in Harrisburg which is part of the Green Belt. The group performed maintenance work in the gardens including weeding, edging and mulching.
It was a very productive and successful day--thanks to all who volunteered especially our two house captains: Roger Olson and Curtis Love.
Annual Event Day - Saturday, April 28, 2012.
Was a huge success! Thank you to the 180 volunteers who: helped repair homes in Hershey, Bressler, Harrisburg, New Cumberland, Mechanicsburg and Carlisle; picked up and transported the trash to the donated Waste Management dumpster; for preparing and delivering lunches and for helping to set up the "thank you" picnic at Fort Hunter Park. A special thanks to all the houses captains!
Program Year 2011 Activities:
"Room to Rebuild" campaign of Choice Hotels - Employees from the various Choice Hotels volunteered their time on Thursday, December 8, 2011 to help rehab a house in Spring City, PA. The house was damaged and gutted from a fire. Rebuilding Together and Choice Hotels partnered with GoodWorks, a non-profit in the Chester County area providing home rehabilitation to the low-income.
Choice Hotels International, Inc. franchises more than 6,100 hotels, representing more than 490,000 rooms, in the United States and more than 30 other countries and territories. The company's Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Quality, Sleep Inn, Clarion, Cambria Suites, MainStay Suites, Suburban Extended Stay Hotel, Econo Lodge and Rodeway Inn brands serve guests worldwide.
Apartment Association of Central PA Thursday, November 10, 2011 the property management groups within the community will be repairing 10-12 houses in Dauphin and Cumberland counties.
Day of Caring - Scheduled in September was cancelled due to the storm. Pyramid Construction employees will be volunteering their to repair a home in Carlisle.
Honeywell - On Sunday, May 22, 2011 While in town attending a conference in Hershey, Honeywell employees volunteered their time to help Camp Sertoma in Harrisburg prepare their camp for the season. Preparations included painting, yard work, cleaning, etc. Monies were donated to repair the pool fence, purchase paint and replace the alarm system.
Heroes at Home - Saturday, May 7, 2011
The house of a Steelton Navy veteran of WWI, was repaired and modified. This was made possible through grant money from Sears Holdings
Annual Event Day - Saturday, April 30, 2011
Fourteen Houses and one non-profit in Harrisburg, Hershey, Middletown, Steelton, Wormleysburg, Enola, Mechanicsburg, and Carlisle were repaired and modified utilizing the skills of over 230 volunteers. The following groups were represented:
Pepsi Bottling Group, Silver Springs Presbyterian Church, The Hershey Company employees, Bethany United Methodist Church, Pine Street Presbyterian Church, Hummelstown Church of Christ, Unitarian Church, Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, Pembrook UCC, Paxton United Methodist Church, Second City Church, Emmanuel UMC and lots of friends of the program.
Apartment Association of Central PA - Thursday, April 28, 2011
The following Property Management groups repaired and modified seven homes in Harrisburg, New Cumberland and Carlisle:
PMI, Commerical Division, Delbrook Maanor, Balfour Beatty Communities, Mountainview Villabe, Graham Hills Apartments
Program Year 2010 Activities:
Apartment Association of Central PA On Friday, November 5, 2010, local property management groups will be sending their maintenance teams to work on several houses throughout the community. This was made possible through grant money raised by AACP.
Realtors Reach Out Month - On Friday, October 22, 2010, the PA Association of Realtors employees and RTGH will be working on painting the Domestic Violence house in Carlisle.
United Way Day of Caring - Thursday, September 16, 2010. Thank you to the Blue Cross employees for an outstanding job on the house in Steelton. A ramp was built along with some inside painting. Also, a special thank you to the sole IBM employee who helped paint (until the rain started) an outside stair way and trim around a window. Thank you to our House Captains, Riitta Lukkari, Roger Olson and Keith Coy who the volunteers.
Annual Event Day on Saturday, April 24, 2010 was a huge success. Thanks to all the volunteers who participated. A special "thank you" to all the House Captains--you are the key to the success of the day.
Also, thank you to all the in-kind and financial contributors. Your continued support is crucial to our program.
Fifteen houses were repaired and modified in Harrisburg, Steelton, Halifax, New Cumberland, Shermansdale, Enola, Mechanicsburg, New Kingston and Carlisle. Over 230 volunteers participated.
Thank for your continued support of our program!
Program Year 2009 Activities:
Wednesday, November 19, 2009
The Apartment Association of Central PA ( and their Property Management Group members worked on 13 houses throughout the community.
Week of October 26, 2009
Room to Rebuild - Choice Hotel (e.g. Comfort Inn) employees worked on a house in Harrisburg.
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Greater Harrisburg Association of Realtors volunteered their time to work on a house in Harrisburg.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Pennsylvania Association of Realtors volunteered their time to rehab the new office for New Hope Ministries in Mechanicsburg.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The United Way Day of Caring - Employees from Alexander Building Construction repaired a house in Harrisburg.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
As part of President Obama’s request to renew America through volunteerism,Mr. Handyman of the West Shore, part of the full-service home repair and maintenance franchise, donated time of two Mr. Handyman technicians to help repair houses in Mechanicsburg and Carlisle.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
As part of their StayMission project week, the Paxton Presbyterian Church congregation worked on a house in Harrisburg. Due to the weather, their project was extended to additional weekends.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Neighborhood Works Project- Pathstone ( employees will be volunteering their time repairing a house for a low-income family in Harrisburg.
Saturday, April 25,2009- Our Annual Event Day was very successful thanks to over 230 volunteers working together to repair 16 houses in Steelton, Bressler, Harrisburg, Lemoyne, Enola, Mechanicsburg and Carlisle and one non-profit center, the United Methodist Children's Home in Mechanicsburg.
Thanks to our house captains for leading the volunteers in making the necessary repairs.
Saturday, February 28, 2009 - Bowling Fundraising Event sponsored by the Apartment Association of Central Pennsylvania ( was a huge success. All the attendees had a great time.
The proceeds (over $1,242) will help purchase materials and supplies for repair/modification work on low-income homeowners' homes and non-profit centers.
Saturday, February 21, 2009- Pepsi Bottling Group project
Over 35 employees from the Harrisburg Pepsi Bottling Group volunteered their time to refurbish the Silence of Mary Home ( on Market Street in Harrisburg. Sue Rudy, Executive Director of the home was thrilled with what was accomplished in just one day. The volunteers painted on all three floors including the floors; removed wall paper; stalled blinds and smoke/CO detectors; handled plumbing and electrical issues, etc. Thanks to House Captain, Curtis Love for leading the group and working on the home during his own time.
The Pepsi Bottling Group provided a $10,000 grant to help support this project.
Program Year 2008 Activities:
November 20 - Apartment Association of Central PA Project
It was a very successful day thanks to the following property management groups who worked on 11 houses in Harrisburg, Carlisle, York and Steelton:
The Apartment Gallery, Madison Apartment Group, Triple Crown, Boyd Wilson and RestoreCore. In addition Acadia Windows and Doors donated customed windows for a house in Harrisburg.
Thank you to The Apartment Association of Central PA who purchased all the materials and supplies for the project.
November 15 - The Ladies Half Alternative Gift Fair 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg participated in the Alternative Gift Fair “Gifts that Give” at the Central Pennsylvania College Conference Center. Other non-profit groups will be participating. This fair is sponsored by the Ladies Half, a Women’s Giving Circle ( Thank you to everyone who came out on that rainy day and contributed to RTGH--$270 was raised.
Realtors Reach Out
October 20 - PA Association of Realtors employees worked on the Rutherford House in Harrisburg. The volunteers scraped and painted; replaced ceiling tiles; installed baseboard trim and cleaned. Thanks to House Captain Roger Olson who led the group.
October 21 - Greater Harrisburg Association of Realtors employees worked on a house in Harrisburg and one in Steelton. The volunteers scraped and painted, weatherized windows; installed lighting and comfort height toilets and cleaned.
United Way Day of Caring
On Friday, September 5, 2008, RTGH participated in the Day of Caring.
While RTGH is not United Way funded, we do belong to the VolunteerCenter. The following organizations participated in this day:Cummins Power employees worked on a house in Harrisburg.The group was led by House Captain, Barabara Whitehead and George Dilks provided plumbing support.
Pyramid Construction employees worked on a house in Carlisle.The group was led by House Captain, Bob Souder.
NRG Energy employees worked on a house in Steelton.The group was led by House Captain Tim Basehore.
HSBC Joined Up To Give Back
On Friday, June 13, 2008, Beneficial Finance and Household Finacial Corporation partnered with Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg to work on the Lisburn Community Fire Department, 1800 Main Street, Lisburn, Mechanicsburg Local and regional branch employees traveled to Lisburn to paint the massive pavilion; mulch; stain picnic tables, etc. Over 80 volunteers participated in this activity. HSBC sponsored the project which also included the installation of an air conditioner unit in their social hall. Thanks to House Captains Roger Olson and Dave Powell who led the volunteers.
AARP Livable Communities Initiative
On Friday, May 8, 2008, the local AARP employees located in Harrisburg teamed up with Rebuilding Together Greater Harrisburg to help repair and modify the Edgement Senior Center, 2400 Oxford Avenue, Harrisburg. House Captain, Tim Basehore lead the team of 15 volunteers. They replaced broken windows; painted; installed new doors and fluorescent bulbs; assembled park benches; replaced rotted floor boards, etc. AARP sponsored the senior center project.
National Event Day
On Saturday April 28, 2008, Greater Harrisburg repaired and modified 14 houses in Harrisburg, Middletown, Steelton, New Cumberland, Camp Hill, Mechanicsburg and Carlisle and two nonprofit centers - The Promise Place in Steelton and the United Methodist Children Home in Mechanicsburg.
Over 230 individuals volunteered their time, talent and treasures including many local contractors. The following groups were represented:
API, Bobby Rahal Toyota Lexus, Colonial Park United Church of Christ, Faculty and staff of Dauphin Count Vocational Technical School, Dirty Dog Hauling, G.T. Watts, GutterGuys, Hummelstown Church of Christ, Lions Club (Capitol and Harrisburg), Mosher Services, Paxtang United Methodist Church, PHFA, Second United Church of Christ, Silver Springs Presbyterian Church, Unitarian Church of Harrisburg, United Parcel Services (UPS), West Shore Upper Cluster United Methodist Churches, Wilson Roofing. There were also many friends and families represented on this event day.
Special thanks to the Patriot News, WGAL-TV8, Fox 43, WHTM-TV 27 and WHP-TV 21 for providing excellent coverage of our National Event Day!
The purchase of the supplies, materials, food and t-shirts were made possible by the many financial and in-kind sponsors/contributors that continually support our program.
However, most of the recognition belongs to our House Captains. Without them, "the show would not go on." They meet with the homeowners, evaluate the repairs that need to be made--measure, calculate, solicit for volunteers, purchase and transports the supplies, assign the tasks to the volunteers and leads the group to a successful work day.
Repairs made this year include: roof repairs/replacement; ceiling tiles replaced; walls painted; drywall installed; floors ripped up and replaced; handrails installed in bathrooms; outside handrails installed; bathtub wallsreplaced; sinks replaced; porches repaired; electrical outlets and GIFs added; additional lighting installed; powder room converted to house a rollin shower; yard cleanup; mulching and planting, inoperable boilers, refrigerators, stoves replaced; outside steps built and windows replaced, etc.
The Ladies Half
On Sunday, January 13, 2008, The Ladies Half had a gathering at the Hampden Township Recreational Center for various charities that were awarded grant money. RTGH was one of the charities that received grant money. Shannon Davidson was the emcee.
Program Year 2007 Activities:
Honeywell Pottsville
On Saturday, July 14, 2007, Honeywell Pottsville employees partnered with RT and volunteered their time to paint the Avenues (formerly UCP) senior center hallway; created an outdoor seating area for the seniors and mulched the child development playground. Benches were also purchased for additional outside seating.
Honeywell Hometown Solutions Foundation is a national sponsor for Rebuilding Together and RTGH received a contribution from them.
Beneficial (Member HSBC Group)
On Tuesday, August 28, 2007, the Beneficial Branch Office employees from Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg, Pottsville, Hanover, York and Cleona partnered with RT and volunteered their time to work at the PA Association for the Blind office in Enola. They also worked at the York Easter Seals Child Development Center. The volunteers painted classrooms; removed and installed new carpet; mulched the playgrounds and beds and assembled sandboxes. The additions enabled the Center to enroll more children.
Beneficial is a national sponsor for Rebuilding Together and gave a contribution to RTGH.
The United Way Day of Caring
While RTGH does not receive funding from the United Way, we are members of their Volunteer Center. On Friday, September 7, 2007, the following companies worked on houses in Harrisburg, Lemoyne and Mechanicsburg: Sovereign Bank; Cummin Powers and Carpenters Union.
Apartment Association of Central Pennsylvania
On Tuesday, November 13, 2007, individuals from the Apartment Association sponsored and volunteered their time repairing and modifying four houses in the City of Harrisburg and Steelton.
Apartment Association also sponsored a Charity Bowling Event on Saturday, January 13, 2008 at ABC East. All lanes were filled and everyone had a great time. Over $1,200 was raised for RTGH.
Thank you to all our volunteers and financial contributors - we couldn't do it without you!
Over 35 PBG employees volunteered their time to work on the Silence of Mary non-profit center which offers shelter and "home/family" conditions for the homeless. Sue Rudy, Executive Director of the shelter was thrilled with the work the volunteers were able to accomplish in one day. The house was being prepared to open their doors in March 2009.
There was lots of painting on all three floors including the floors; plumbing and electrical issues resolved; broken windows replaced, new blinds installed along with smoke/CO detectors, etc.
PBG provided a $10,000 grant to support this project.
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